回复 :AMC宣布续订《灵魂伴侣 Soulmates》第二季,而这剧首季尚未播出。这部预定下半年播出的剧由Will Bridges及Brett Goldstein制作,改编自他们的短片《For Life》,剧中每集都是新故事及不同演员,讲述15年后我们得出一个重大科学发现 – 如何找到你的灵魂伴侣。
回复 :In 1999, for the 30th anniversary of the original Woodstock festival, organizers planned the three-day Woodstock '99 music festival in an abandoned air force base in Rome, New York. Thousands of people came to the festival. Performers such as Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit performed at the festival. However, all was not peace and love. Bad conditions and inflating prices for water led to riots and looting on the last night of the festival.
回复 :第六季故事为第五季结束时,萨德侵占莱克斯的身体,并灌输他跟克拉克一样的超能力,还释放一种病毒到地球。