男人A vice inspector for the Paris police takes special interest in the plight of drug-addicted Lucky whom he considers to be more victim than criminal.
男人A vice inspector for the Paris police takes special interest in the plight of drug-addicted Lucky whom he considers to be more victim than criminal.
回复 :Lindsey Lou's father has gone missing on a mountaineering expedition and she's determined to find him, only she's the least qualified for the job.
回复 :Cairo和Gavreel歷經千辛萬苦在一起後,Gavreel的阿姨突然出現,並阻止兩人的交往;與此同時,Cairo也即將離開,前去跟家人同住,兩人的戀情面臨重重考驗,這次他們能否堅持下去?
回复 :每天,上百辆地铁穿梭在河下的隧道中,今天,却有一辆地铁无法顺利通行.当地铁行驶到中间的时候,地铁突然发生爆炸,许多人在爆炸中丧生,仅剩下几个幸存者,他们当中有固执的电视台记者克劳迪娅,胆小而又自大的软件开发者乔恩,叛逆的孩子,心地善良的流浪者,和一名孤僻的护士.他们必须在隧道塌陷之前,挖出一条通道.但河水突然开始渗漏,他们不得不逃到一间储藏室避难.但问题再次出现了,不仅仅是河水可能涌进他们的避难所,他们发现地铁中还有另外一颗炸弹,随时可能爆炸.救援队赶到现场开始营救工作,他们又充满了希望,但救援队突然停止了救援,他们必须立即找到一条逃生之路……